Museum Map

Level 0
Explore the Permanent Exhibition

01. Journey in time
02 - 03. The Origins of Sports and the Panhellenic Games
04 - 05. The Olympic Games in Antiquity
06 - 07. The Revival of the Games
08. Athens 1896
09. The Games from 1900 to 2002
10 - 11. Athens 2004
12. From 2006 and onwards
13 - 14. The Modern Olympic Movement and its protagonists
15. Sport Interactive area "Become an Olympian"
16. Epilogue - The Agon
A. Front Desk
B. Museum Store
C. Museum Stairs
D. Museum Elevator
E. Lockers
F. "2004" Events Gallery
G. Stairs to Golden Hall, Level +1
H. Indoor elevators to Golden Hall shopping center (access from grey parking rea)
I. Outdoor elevators (access from Pittara str.)
K. Ancillary Room
Level 1
The Museum's Lounge becomes the new meeting point. It is decorated with original artworks of 2004, created by contemporary artists.

01. Lounge Area
A. WC / Baby Room
B. Accessible WC
C. Museum Stairs
D. Museum Elevator
E. Elevator to "1896" Educational & Events Area"
F. Stairs to "1896" Educational & Events Area"
G. Golden Hall shopping Center stairs to Museum Entrance
H. Indoor elevators to Golden Hall shopping center (access from grey parking rea)
I. Outdoor elevators (access from Pittara str.)
Level 2
The minimal and elegant “1896” Museum’s Event Hall is an excellent venue choice for your next event, offering a magnificent panoramic view to the Athens Olympic Center of Athens ''Spiros Louis''.

01."1896" Educational & Event Area
02. "1896" Event Hall
B. Accessible WC
C. Stairs to Museum entrance
D. Museum Elevator
E. Elevators to Lounge Area
F. Stairs to Lounge Area