Museum's Team

The role of the CNPP “Athens Olympic Museum”
The Museum’s operator is the Civil Non-Profit Partnership (CNPP) “Athens Olympic Museum”. Its objective is, through the Museum’s creation and operation, to offer humanity an exciting journey through time, with interesting stops, correct information, original material, and guided by the eternal and imperishable virtues of Olympism. The CNPP’s intentions consists in evolving and promoting the Olympic Idea and the history of the Games, safeguarding our athletic heritage and showcasing the cultural aspect of athletiscs, respecting the athletic spirit, and the love for Ancient Greece. Naturally, in order to implement all this and for the visitor to have an impressive and at the same time educational experience, the CNPP supports a series of multi-level actions and undertakes dozens of responsibilities. These range from the development and management of the Museum’s collections (record, documentation, organization, filing, maintenance, etc.), the organization of exhibitions, communication, promotion, management of seminars, events and training programs, to the care for the elaboration of special editions and networking -at a national and international level- with bodies, NGOs and societies with similar objectives. Last but not least, it cooperates and cultivates collaborative and respectful relations with the International Olympic Committee, the Hellenic Olympic Committee, the International Olympic Academy, the International Olympic Truce Centre and other organizations, councils, committees and Academies, involved in the Principles of Olympism.